Podcast Alimentation & Sexualité (FR)

3-3-22: Podcast au Love Health Center au sujet de: Alimentation et SexualitĂ© Claudia Kaiser, passionnĂ©e et coach en nutrition holistique et fertilitĂ© naturelle, vous amène sur un chemin d’exploration des parallèles entre votre manière de vous alimenter et votre sexualitĂ©. Au-dessus comme au-dessous, Ă  l’intĂ©rieur comme Ă  l’extĂ©rieur. Ce qui se passent dans les diffĂ©rents domaines […]

Podcast on Fertile Regeneration & Metabolic Profiling

21-2-22: Fertile Regeneration and Astro-Metabolic Profiling Podcast Interview with Lindsey Curtis from Her Return Lindsey sits with Claudia Kaiser to open up on her multidisciplinary creation – Astro-Metabolic Profiling.  Weaving together Metabolic Typing, Chinese medicine, eating psychology, symbolism of symptoms, astrology, and chakras, Claudia supports women in harmonizing and nourishing their constitutions for optimal fertility.  […]

My Supplement Routine

Click below to start the short introduction video Apart from that I eat a nutrient dense diet of garden-fresh veggies, fruit from the tree, eggs from our own chickens, holistically grazed beef and chicken meat, bone broth, wild fish, raw dairy, organic whole grains and pulses, sourdough bread, nuts and seeds and fermented cabbage.

What is regenerative / fertile food?

Switching from edible food products to natural and unprocessed (or only gently processed) foods is a necessary first step, but it cannot stop there, at least not if your goal is optimal health and fertility. If you want your food to optimally support your health and fertility, it needs to be grown in or raised […]

Is coconut really good for you?

No, I am not looking for “nutritional facts” here. From that point of view I could give you a whole list of arguments why it is a superfood. In fact, it’s been one of my “holy cows” ever since I got trained in Real Food Nutrition and Metabolic Typing (2012). While I often put people […]

Why I do not recommend raw food diets

Besides providing nutrients, all foods also have a thermic effect on the body. They can be warming, neutral, or cooling. Knowing the thermal properties of a food allows you to adapt your food choices to the season, and can help you correct imbalances in your own individual metabolism. Raw food or food taken directly from […]