Virtual Camino

Convenient & practical 8 months online guidance via audio-visual materials & live calls

The Virtual Camino is a complete, online-based program teaching fertile nutrition, lifestyle & mindset in 8 modules

  • Learn how to nourish your whole being with food & beyond in a time- & cost-efficient way.
  • Receive highly practical, bite-sized and consistent guidance that you can implement step-by-step in your own tempo and get back to whenever you feel the need.
  • Tune in from the comfort of your home, office, car or even on the go.
  • Can be walked by itself or complementary to your 1-on-1 Personal Camino.


Please note that this course is the same as Regenerative Chakra Nutrition & Embodiment


Convenient & practical guidance via audio-visual materials & Live Q&A calls

  • Inspiring videos and audios: Each of the 8 modules contains several hours of recorded audio-visual materials on nutrition, lifestyle, mindset and relationship topics. You will learn about:
    • What is Regenerative Nutrition and how does it differ from “organic”, “natural”, “vegan” etc.
    • Nutritional, environmental and ethical considerations of eating animal foods and under which circumstances they can be regenerative for body, mind and planet.
    • Which foods help you balance out your symptoms (following the structure of the chakras)
    • Hormones and the stress response
    • The menstrual cycle and the effect of the pill
    • How sugar impacts health and hormones and healthy alternatives to refined sugar
    • Gut health and food intolerances
    • The different types of fat and which ones to choose for health and fertility
    • The role of cholesterol
    • The thyroid and speaking your truth
    • Supplements for gut health and hormonal balance
    • Detox
    • Emotional expression and non-violent communication
    • Discovering the story you tell yourself and how to change degenerative belief patterns
    • The symbolism of symptoms
    • The role of the different chakras and how they relate to different realms of your life (i.e. money, relationships, sex, setting boundaries, authenticity, …)
    • The interaction between the Masculine and Feminine and how to create a healthy relationship on the inside as a basis for attracting healthy relationships on the outside
  • Embodiment & Self-Love Practices: Every module I share with you a 15-30min recording of simple, yet powerful embodiment practices to help you get deeper into your body and develop greater self-love. The invitation is that you try out the practices for one month, incorporating them into your daily routine as often as possible to really feel the effect they have on you. Over time, you can build your own practice from the different elements I propose.
  • Active Meditation: Each module contains a one-hour Active Meditation, which I recommend you practice once per week during one month.
  • Real Life Efficiency Cooking Guidance, incl. written instructions: Every module I take you into my kitchen and share with you one of my personal efficiency cooking processes in text and image. See exactly what I shop and how I mix-match ingredients (and left-overs from my fridge) and how I prepare 2-3 balanced, nourishing & tasty meals for at least 4 consecutive days in as littles as 2-3 hours.
  • Food Action Plan: A concrete step to take towards a more Fertile way of eating.
  • Relevant Documents, Links or Resources
  • Access to my “inner circle” group on Telegram for ongoing inspiration


Practical Details

  • For every module there is a separate page with a separate password. The modules will be released month per month.
  • You continue to have access to all the modules for as long as there is internet in this world 🙂
  • Investment: 300 Euro per person


About Me

Claudia Kaiser is on a mission to help you, your (future) children and the planet to reclaim optimal health & fertility. Combining personal and professional experience in Mind-Body Nutrition, Eating Psychology, Food Sourcing and Tantra, her approach is  conscious, holistic and individual.








What participants are saying

This course is a very powerful experience that will enrich your soul and strengthen your body. Claudia has the amazing gift to wisely guide you through a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings so you can learn how to manage and befriend them. She does it in a very gentle and non judgmental way, where kindness and compassion are the only tools to eradicate shame. I followed the training in a very difficult moment of my life. The end of a relationship, the struggle with severe anxiety issues, the unexpected loss of a close family member. These teachings can give you a new perspective, a new way to deal with your struggles. You will understand the importance of taking care of yourself, not only psychologically but also physically. The two dimensions are closely interlinked and you will find out how to strengthen this link to make it more powerful and stable. I strongly recommend this course as it will open new doors of understanding that will enable you to grow up and stand up for yourself. Every session is literally a breakthrough. Thank you Claudia!”



This training is an enriching life experience; it is diverse and built in a practical way. Every chakra provides you with new insights into nutrition, into how the chakra is manifested in your own body (underactive or overactive) and what you can do to balance it. For example, Claudia showed us how we can start up the healing process in case of food intolerances, auto-immune dis-ease, thyroid issues, etc. Moreover, at every chakra, a related topic is addressed and at the end of the session there is an embodiment practice helping you to sense better this chakra in your own body.

You will deepen your level of nutrition knowledge and also reach a deeper level of body wisdom through beautiful tantric practices.

I learned to sense the Feminine (Yin) and Masculine (Yang) energy flows in me. I understood how the chakras support each other, how they interconnect and how I can lift up their energy. I learned to set emotional boundaries in order to make space for expressing my own Truth in a non-violent way and to increase my self-esteem. This training really changed many perspectives and old patters I used to have.

If you take additional 1-on-1 support, you’ll receive practical examples of meals that will help you to bring more colour on your plate and in your life, next to many tips and tricks which will help you reach new insights and activate more of your own chakras.

This course empowered me with practical understanding, lots of inner insights and of course healing. I feel lots of gratitude for all I have learned during this training and I will continue to deepen this experience and practices in the future, as there is a lot of wisdom in it.”



“Following this course during the first months of my burnout was a truly healing experience. Through the combination of sound nutritional advice, insights into the chakras and powerful practices and exercises, I could reconnect to my body, emotions and soul again. I have gained valuable insight with regards to what I can do to boost my weaker chakra’s through food and embodiment. I recommend this wonderful teacher to everyone who is committed to getting and staying healthy, for themselves and for the planet!”



“Every session was very interesting; the perfect mixture of rational information, spirituality, sweetness and personal coaching.”



“After having completed a 1-year course on functional nutrition, I enrolled in this course mainly to get the “spiritual” perspective. But even so, Claudia could highlight some new interrelations in the nutrition field, too, for which I’m very grateful.”



“Claudia’s chakra course is really worth all the time and investment. It follows a great structure while guiding you through physical knowledge related to our body and hormones, reflections linked to our psyche and emotions and arriving to the spiritual level. It is packed with useful information and mind- and heart-opening practices. But most importantly, we can feel that Claudia has herself walked through this path and lived what she teaches us and this makes the whole so credible. And last but not least, the team is lovely and supportive!”



“Having worked with Claudia for the last 8 years, I feel great gratitude for her advice and her presence in my life: she has been a gate opener for insights into my body both at a nutritional and spiritual level, through meditation and tantric practice. This course on chakras appears to me as the  incarnation of her holistic approach, bringing together material and spiritual aspects of food, integrating different sources of inspiration (chinese medicine, metabolic typing, astrology etc.), with strong knowledge on nutrition and reflection on modern ways of producing food. It will guide you through a journey of self-knowledge, with the constant quest of how we nourish ourselves, at several levels, body and spirit. I definitely recommend this course! Trust the process :-)”



Dear Claudia

thank you for creating this journey.

Walking the Virtual Camino with you is an invaluable gift I’m giving to myself. Every day I’m taking some time to be present with me, you and your sharings and I learn a lot. I appreciate that you talk about so many different aspects of the fertile path / life and at the same time leave enough space for me to interpret, reflect, integrate it according to my own story / needs / beliefs. Over the last weeks I had quite a few aha moments when I heard you talking about the connection between stress / food / emotions / hormones / bodyweight etc. I already feel a difference in my relationship to food.

I am more and more integrating meal preparation in my days and actually enjoy it. You helped me to see this as an asset rather than a needless and time consuming burden (why cook when I can buy things “to go” so easily). It’s astonishing how different I feel after eating a home-made meal compared to a meal from the canteen. I never thought I’d gain so much from it like more time for taking a walk outside in nature, more motivation, more energy after the office hours because I took good care of me – and even more $ in my pocket because I do not have to buy ready-made food anymore…

It’s kind of a momentum I enjoy a lot and that gives me pleasure. So thank you again so much for your openness and authenticity. 

S.T. (Berlin)


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