Insects, Boundaries and the 3 Stages

I have written in detail about the three stages David Deida describes and added my own insights when it comes to our relationship with food in particular, in this article. I refer you to this article for a general understanding of the phases first. Today I would like to muse about our relationship with insects […]

My Supplement Routine

Click below to start the short introduction videoApart from that I eat a nutrient dense diet of garden-fresh veggies, fruit from the tree, eggs from our own chickens, holistically grazed beef and chicken meat, bone broth, wild fish, raw dairy, organic whole grains and pulses, sourdough bread, nuts and seeds and fermented cabbage.

Is coconut really good for you?

No, I am not looking for “nutritional facts” here. From that point of view I could give you a whole list of arguments why it is a superfood. In fact, it’s been one of my “holy cows” ever since I got trained in Real Food Nutrition and Metabolic Typing (2012). While I often put people […]

Why I do not recommend raw food diets

Besides providing nutrients, all foods also have a thermic effect on the body. They can be warming, neutral, or cooling. Knowing the thermal properties of a food allows you to adapt your food choices to the season, and can help you correct imbalances in your own individual metabolism. Raw food or food taken directly from […]

Mental Health & Mind-Body Nutrition

Mental Health is directly influenced by physical health, and vice versa. Nutrient deficiencies, compromised gut health (leaky gut and/or imbalances in gut flora) and inflammation in the body all negatively impact metabolism and as such brain function. The gut-brain connection is a very hot topic in the functional medicine and holistic nutrition world. Here is a good […]

Why I am not in favor of supplementing with isolated vitamin D

During autumn and winter, it is more difficult to get our vitamin D needs met through sunshine. We would have to expose at least our arms and face to 30min of unprotected sunshine every day to cover our basic needs – and that simply is not going to happen during those colder times. So we […]

Saturated Fat and Cholesterol are good for you

The biggest myth surviving in the world of nutrition is probably that foods rich in saturated fat and/or cholesterol are bad for you. This myth stems from the 1950’s, when Ancel Keys published a study linking saturated fats to high cholesterol and heart disease. Although the study turned out to be severely flawed afterwards, it has ever since […]