Does Eating prevent us from being spiritual?

Does eating prevent us from being spiritual, from accessing more subtle dimensions? Do you have to transcend the body, food, the lower chakras? Can everybody fast or will everybody feel more clarity and tranquility when eating little? As always, there is no one-size-fits-all. It is very easy to fall into the trap of projecting our […]

The Fragility of our Food System

Ever since the Corona crisis started, it clearly brought to the light how fragile our food system is. The supply of fresh food suffered from restrictions on (international) transport and on labor in the fields to pick and process the produce. This was especially true for big producer countries such as China or India, but […]

Sleeping in the arms of safety

One of the side effects of the Corona crisis are new sleeping disorders. This does not come as a surprise, considering that the foundation for good sleep is feeling SAFE. Our physical, material and emotional safety belong to our first chakra, just like our primal need for sleep and food. What affects one, affects the […]

Love yourself this Christmas

Christmas time (or festivities in general) are tightly connected to food. No wonder, because food doesn’t just provide us with energy, but also means connection, tradition, belonging… all of which is deeply nourishing and important. However, it can be a challenging time, if you try to eat healthy, because it’s also a time where cookies, […]

Addiction to Suffering

In order to be able to stop trashing your body without it feeling like a deprivation, it is a pre-requisite to drop your addiction to suffering. Oh yes, so many of us are ADDICTED to suffering, to being sick and tired in one way or the other, to feeling unloved and unworthy, or at least to […]

Why I do not recommend raw food diets

Besides providing nutrients, all foods also have a thermic effect on the body. They can be warming, neutral, or cooling. Knowing the thermal properties of a food allows you to adapt your food choices to the season, and can help you correct imbalances in your own individual metabolism. Raw food or food taken directly from […]

How to deal with triggers: avoidance or confrontation?

You probably have people or situations in your life that trigger uncomfortable feelings in you. Feelings such as not being good, strong, beautiful, valuable… enough, being “too much”, too intense, too needy, too complicated…, the fear of being abandoned, powerless… Feelings that reactivate one or several of the classical childhood wounds: the wound of abandonment, […]