10-Day Regenerative Chakra Retreat in Spain

Regenerate yourself chakra by chakra through holistic nutrition and embodiment practices

My Online Course “Regenerative Chakra Nutrition” now in an extended face-to-face format!


Gain a new perspective on your physical and energetic body and how your daily habits and your symptoms are linked to the different realms of your Life by understanding your Chakra system. Learn the signs of over- and underactivity of each chakra and how to balance them with food and embodiment practices.


Energy circulates within us and around us, unless it becomes blocked. An accessible way of connecting with our energy – which is really our Life force – is to look at it through the lens of our chakra system.
Chakras are centers within us where Yin and Yang, Masculine and Feminine energy meets and converges.


There are at least 7 such centers and they all need to be in balance for energy to flow freely and harmoniously. If a chakra is out of balance, either too active or underactive, dis-ease within the body and mind is created, and the entire system is impacted.
A well-balanced chakra system facilitates the movement & integration of our life force and as such allows us to fully claim our energy, power, joy, freedom, fertility and overall health & well-being.


This 10-day full immersion retreat takes you on a journey through your chakra system, from the Root to the Crown, starting with an introduction day (and 1/2 day before and after the main program for arrival and goodbye). Every day we address one of the chakras, its characteristics, functions and connections to body parts, the different realms of our Lives (money, work, relationships,..) and the Masculine and Feminine inside us. We look at symptoms of over- and underactivity and ways to balance it through nutrition and simple embodiment practices.


Besides the group sessions, you will also receive a 1.5h private coaching session in which we discuss your unique Astro-Metabolic Profile (which I prepare beforehand). 



Day 1

  • Afternoon: Arrival and settling in
  • 17h: Welcome & presentation and first Body Activation
  • 20h: Dinner

Day 2

  • 8-9h: Active Meditation: Chakra Breathing
  • Breakfast
  • 11:00-12:15: Intention setting
  • 12:15-12:30: Break
  • 12:30-13:45: Nutrition Foundations 1
  • 14-15h: Lunch
  • 15-17h: Free time (or private session or massage)
  • 17:00-18:15: Nutrition Foundations 2
  • 18:15-18:30: Break
  • 18:30-19:45: Chakra Intro
  • 20h: Dinner

Days 3-9

  • 8-9h: Active Meditation for the Chakra
  • 9-10h: Breakfast
  • 11:00-12:15: Chakra of the day and self assessment
  • 12:15-12:30: Break
  • 12:30-13:45: Nutrition for the chakra
  • 14-15h: Lunch (adapted to the chakra)
  • 15-17h: Free time (or private session or massage)
  • 17:00-18:15: Embodiment for the Chakra
  • 18:15-18:30: Break
  • 18:30-19:45: Masculine & Feminine Dynamics for the Chakra
  • 20-21h: Dinner
  • 21-22h: Sharing Circle

Day 10

  • 8-9: Final Practice
  • 9-10: Breakfast
  • Goodbye


The Retreat Center

The retreat takes place at Lalita Devi, an exceptionally fertile natural oasis in the West of Spain (3km from the village Acebo, province of Cáceres). The domain of 25 hectares lies in the middle of oak and chestnut woods, at the foot of a Sacred mountain, with a stream and a natural pool to bathe in. Visit the website www.lalita.net for more information.



What you receive

  • 10 days full of experience, learning and growth
  • Full pension (organic and/or local food) starting with dinner on day 1 and ending with breakfast on day 10
  • 9 nights accommodation in single or shared rooms
  • Your personal 1.5h Astro-Metabolic Coaching Session with Claudia
  • You also have the possibility to book massage during free time (extra service)



1.500 Euro per person


Join in to:

  • Understand your body and soul in a whole new way
  • Connect the dots between your daily habits, what is going on in your body and the personal realms of your Life (work, money, relationships…)
  • Get to the root of health issues, such as adrenal fatigue (burnout), subfertility, menstrual issues, digestive issues, food intolerances, thyroid issues
  • Improve your health and fertility through regenerative, chakra-specific nutrition
  • Evolve the relationship of your inner Masculine and Feminine and as such the relationships in your Life
  • Enjoy more energy and joy of living
  • Create more magnetism, flow & freedom in your Life
  • Connect and exchange with like-minded people in a private Signal group


About Me

Claudia Kaiser is on a mission to help you, your (future) children and the planet to reclaim optimal health & fertility. Combining personal and professional experience in Mind-Body Nutrition, Eating Psychology, Food Sourcing and Tantra, her approach is  conscious, holistic and individual.






If interested, please write an email to concha@caminodelafertilidad.com to find out about upcoming dates for this retreat.