Animal Sanctuaries, the Drama Triangle and Victim Consciousness

The Drama Triangle describes a model of dysfunctional social interactions and illustrates a power game that involves three roles: Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor, each role representing a common and ineffective response to conflict. We can apply it not just to our personal relationships, but also to our whole medical or “health” system. As long as […]

Softening the need to be right

We are so polarized these days, whether it’s about food and eating, relationships and sex, gender and equality, religion and spirituality, politics and war…. Who has not found themselves in situations where someone is very opinionated about a specific topic, maybe even backing up there perspective through “science”, in order to give their arguments more […]

Sleeping in the arms of safety

One of the side effects of the Corona crisis are new sleeping disorders. This does not come as a surprise, considering that the foundation for good sleep is feeling SAFE. Our physical, material and emotional safety belong to our first chakra, just like our primal need for sleep and food. What affects one, affects the […]

Absolute freedom vs. non-restriction

Absolute love equals absolute freedom. However, absolute freedom does NOT necessarily equal non-restriction. In fact, absolute freedom includes the freedom to CHOOSE restriction. And that is not necessarily a sign of ill-health. Just like not restricting yourself is not necessarily a sign of good health. Oftentimes clients tell me that their goal is to be […]

The soul lesson behind my burn

This is part 3 of my article on how to treat a burn from a Mind-Body-Nutrition Perspective. In part 1 I explained how I treated my 2nd degree burn externally to maximize healing and minimize scar formation. In part 2 I look at how to use nutrition to support healing from the inside. This 3rd part looks […]

Is coconut really good for you?

No, I am not looking for “nutritional facts” here. From that point of view I could give you a whole list of arguments why it is a superfood. In fact, it’s been one of my “holy cows” ever since I got trained in Real Food Nutrition and Metabolic Typing (2012). While I often put people […]

The masks you did not even know you were wearing

Per definition, the unconscious is not conscious to us. Something that is not conscious is something that is not visible. It is our shadow and can only be revealed to us through the mirror of other people or circumstances. It’s usually what triggers us in others, but does not seem to resonate with us at […]