Where and how do animals NATURALLY get vitamin B12?

Today I want to talk to you about a nutrient essential for health and fertility: Vitamin B12…  Vitamin B12 is essential to maintain the health of the neurons and the blood. It also supports the formation of the genetic material in all cells. As states Chris Kresser: “B12 deficiency has been associated with or can […]

Animal Sanctuaries, the Drama Triangle and Victim Consciousness

The Drama Triangle describes a model of dysfunctional social interactions and illustrates a power game that involves three roles: Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor, each role representing a common and ineffective response to conflict. We can apply it not just to our personal relationships, but also to our whole medical or “health” system. As long as […]

About Goats, A2 Casein and Wildfires

After quite a lot of chicken inspired stories, today I want to put another species into the spotlight, because they truly deserve it: GOATS. As anything on this planet, goats can degenerate the planet or help to regenerate it. It’s all a matter of HOW we manage them. What differentiates goats from any other grazer […]

The Fragility of our Food System

Ever since the Corona crisis started, it clearly brought to the light how fragile our food system is. The supply of fresh food suffered from restrictions on (international) transport and on labor in the fields to pick and process the produce. This was especially true for big producer countries such as China or India, but […]

What is regenerative / fertile food?

Switching from edible food products to natural and unprocessed (or only gently processed) foods is a necessary first step, but it cannot stop there, at least not if your goal is optimal health and fertility. If you want your food to optimally support your health and fertility, it needs to be grown in or raised […]

Breast Cancer Awareness is not Prevention

As every year in October, we see the pink ribbons all over. People run or march to support breast cancer awareness and research, thinking that this equals prevention. Yet in the very best of cases this helps to diagnose the condition and to start treatment earlier. It has nothing to do with prevention. PREvention means […]