Responding from fear or from trust

There are things we control and others we don’t. As much as we take responsibility to create the favorable circumstances for health and harmony to occur, the body will get sick and we will live difficult situations at some point in life. This is simply part of life and the path of the soul. We […]

Does Eating prevent us from being spiritual?

Does eating prevent us from being spiritual, from accessing more subtle dimensions? Do you have to transcend the body, food, the lower chakras? Can everybody fast or will everybody feel more clarity and tranquility when eating little? As always, there is no one-size-fits-all. It is very easy to fall into the trap of projecting our […]

Tantric Cooking Part 2

Do you eat with your head or with your heart? Are you running on autopilot or are you connected and present to your senses, to the ever-changing flow of creative energy, allowing every day, every moment to be different, open to new possibilities? What taste do you desire to experience this morning, what temperature, what […]

Podcast Alimentation & Sexualité (FR)

3-3-22: Podcast au Love Health Center au sujet de: Alimentation et Sexualité Claudia Kaiser, passionnée et coach en nutrition holistique et fertilité naturelle, vous amène sur un chemin d’exploration des parallèles entre votre manière de vous alimenter et votre sexualité. Au-dessus comme au-dessous, à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur. Ce qui se passent dans les différents domaines […]

Podcast on Fertile Regeneration & Metabolic Profiling

21-2-22: Fertile Regeneration and Astro-Metabolic Profiling Podcast Interview with Lindsey Curtis from Her Return Lindsey sits with Claudia Kaiser to open up on her multidisciplinary creation – Astro-Metabolic Profiling.  Weaving together Metabolic Typing, Chinese medicine, eating psychology, symbolism of symptoms, astrology, and chakras, Claudia supports women in harmonizing and nourishing their constitutions for optimal fertility.  […]

What has Death got to do with Creativity and Fertility?

This was a question I received from one of the participants in my online course “Regenerative Chakra Nutrition” (new edition starting soon!). When talking about the second chakra, I pointed out how creativity, fertility, menstruation, emotions, sensuality, sexuality and our ability to let “die” are all related. Everything in this world moves through cycles of […]

The soul lesson behind my burn

This is part 3 of my article on how to treat a burn from a Mind-Body-Nutrition Perspective. In part 1 I explained how I treated my 2nd degree burn externally to maximize healing and minimize scar formation. In part 2 I look at how to use nutrition to support healing from the inside. This 3rd part looks […]

From meal planning to tantric cooking

I have shifted. The process that started a couple of years ago is embodied now. How do I know? Because my way of doing food has changed again. It struck me this week after another efficiency cooking session unfolded very differently than it used to. My cooking first evolved from “Masculine” to “Feminine” meal planning […]

Breast Cancer Awareness is not Prevention

As every year in October, we see the pink ribbons all over. People run or march to support breast cancer awareness and research, thinking that this equals prevention. Yet in the very best of cases this helps to diagnose the condition and to start treatment earlier. It has nothing to do with prevention. PREvention means […]