Responding from fear or from trust

There are things we control and others we don’t. As much as we take responsibility to create the favorable circumstances for health and harmony to occur, the body will get sick and we will live difficult situations at some point in life. This is simply part of life and the path of the soul. We […]

Softening the need to be right

We are so polarized these days, whether it’s about food and eating, relationships and sex, gender and equality, religion and spirituality, politics and war…. Who has not found themselves in situations where someone is very opinionated about a specific topic, maybe even backing up there perspective through “science”, in order to give their arguments more […]

Tantric Cooking Part 2

Do you eat with your head or with your heart? Are you running on autopilot or are you connected and present to your senses, to the ever-changing flow of creative energy, allowing every day, every moment to be different, open to new possibilities? What taste do you desire to experience this morning, what temperature, what […]

The most important thing to do to strengthen your immune system against Corona

Many people are concerned with strengthening their immune system these days, be it through food, supplements, essential oils, hot-cold showers… I have myself summarized many tips on how to boost your immune system here. And while it is indeed important to make sure you eat fertile food adapted to your individual Astro-Metabolic-Profile (if interested in knowing yours, send me […]

Do you compensate with food?

Authorities are worried that due to Covid-19 alcoholism will become more of a problem. The same could be said for Eating Issues. Right now, addictions and compensatory behaviors are the only way many people can still escape from themselves, their emotions and their inner and/or outer reality at home. Fast eating and overeating are effective […]

Absolute freedom vs. non-restriction

Absolute love equals absolute freedom. However, absolute freedom does NOT necessarily equal non-restriction. In fact, absolute freedom includes the freedom to CHOOSE restriction. And that is not necessarily a sign of ill-health. Just like not restricting yourself is not necessarily a sign of good health. Oftentimes clients tell me that their goal is to be […]

From meal planning to tantric cooking

I have shifted. The process that started a couple of years ago is embodied now. How do I know? Because my way of doing food has changed again. It struck me this week after another efficiency cooking session unfolded very differently than it used to. My cooking first evolved from “Masculine” to “Feminine” meal planning […]