What has Death got to do with Creativity and Fertility?

This was a question I received from one of the participants in my online course “Regenerative Chakra Nutrition” (new edition starting soon!). When talking about the second chakra, I pointed out how creativity, fertility, menstruation, emotions, sensuality, sexuality and our ability to let “die” are all related. Everything in this world moves through cycles of […]

The most important thing to do to strengthen your immune system against Corona

Many people are concerned with strengthening their immune system these days, be it through food, supplements, essential oils, hot-cold showers… I have myself summarized many tips on how to boost your immune system here. And while it is indeed important to make sure you eat fertile food adapted to your individual Astro-Metabolic-Profile (if interested in knowing yours, send me […]

Is making vaccines mandatory in line with our constitutional rights of self-determination, freedom of thought and physical integrity?

This is probably one of my most controversial posts. Still, I am choosing to address this highly charged topic, at the risk of losing some of you, because not speaking up about what I consider one of the greatest assaults to our constitutional human rights (self-determination, freedom of thought and physical integrity to just name […]

Absolute freedom vs. non-restriction

Absolute love equals absolute freedom. However, absolute freedom does NOT necessarily equal non-restriction. In fact, absolute freedom includes the freedom to CHOOSE restriction. And that is not necessarily a sign of ill-health. Just like not restricting yourself is not necessarily a sign of good health. Oftentimes clients tell me that their goal is to be […]

Love yourself this Christmas

Christmas time (or festivities in general) are tightly connected to food. No wonder, because food doesn’t just provide us with energy, but also means connection, tradition, belonging… all of which is deeply nourishing and important. However, it can be a challenging time, if you try to eat healthy, because it’s also a time where cookies, […]

The soul lesson behind my burn

This is part 3 of my article on how to treat a burn from a Mind-Body-Nutrition Perspective. In part 1 I explained how I treated my 2nd degree burn externally to maximize healing and minimize scar formation. In part 2 I look at how to use nutrition to support healing from the inside. This 3rd part looks […]

Is coconut really good for you?

No, I am not looking for “nutritional facts” here. From that point of view I could give you a whole list of arguments why it is a superfood. In fact, it’s been one of my “holy cows” ever since I got trained in Real Food Nutrition and Metabolic Typing (2012). While I often put people […]