The most important thing to do to strengthen your immune system against Corona

Many people are concerned with strengthening their immune system these days, be it through food, supplements, essential oils, hot-cold showers… I have myself summarized many tips on how to boost your immune system here. And while it is indeed important to make sure you eat fertile food adapted to your individual Astro-Metabolic-Profile (if interested in knowing yours, send me an e-mail), the most important thing to do to strengthen your immune system is to drop FEAR. Fear of infection, fear of suffering, fear of death.

Fear triggers the fight-or-flight stress response in the body. This stress response, especially if chronic, SUPPRESSES the immune system, lowers stomach acidity, kills good gut bacteria, makes the gut barrier more permeable, increases inflammation and favors nutrient excretion rather than assimilation. All of this significantly LOWERS your body’s capacity to stay strong and healthy. You can wash your hands as often as you want (please drop the hand sanitizers, they are highly endocrine disrupting…) and take all the vitamins in the world, if you do so out of fear, those measures will not be sufficient to protect you.

What is needed, and what this virus is here to teach us, is an open CROWN (Corona) chakra so that we can fully TRUST the process. Trust that whatever is meant to happen will happen and will always be in everyone’s best soul (not necessarily ego) interest. Some people have been infected against all odds while others who were much more likely to catch the virus, have not.

The immune system is all about boundaries. The more impaired the immune system, the more permeable the gut and brain barriers. At some point it might get so confused, that it starts to attack own bodily cells instead of foreign pathogens. The questions are: What do you allow in and what do you keep out? Are you listening to your own inner authority or allowing external authority to invade and control your system?

The best you can do to support yourself and your immune system is to plug out of the energy field of fear. Fear, at least the unreal kind, is the most dangerous virus there is. Go on a media and facebook detox. Connect to nature. Meditate. Dance. Laugh and have fun. Take a bit of perspective. Look at the situation from a distance, through the eyes of the Universe (Life, God, a Higher Power…). Can you find the humor in it?

Honestly, the Universe is doing a fantastic job right now to wake us up collectively. To help us transcend fear of uncertainty and find our safe anchor in a deeper spirituality.I guarantee you will still get the most important news and hear if there are new “rules” to follow, even if you never look at any news page (I don’t).

And if fear takes hold of you, go deeper into it. In a place you can feel safe and free to make noise, breathe deeply into the place you feel your fear, connect to the physical sensations it causes you and make them bigger. Allow yourself to fully experience and express the magnitude of your fear: move it, shake it, sound it, until it naturally transforms (it always does eventually).
And then remember that most fears never actualize anyways.

When we confront our fears, we often realize that the fear of the fear was the real issue… and can start to relax.

I am not afraid of Corona. I even kind of “like” that tiny, invisible force that is having such a huge impact on humanity right now. It is up to each of us, whether this impact elevates and frees us or keeps us imprisoned.


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