Personal Consultation

Straight-to-the-point advice taking into account your astro-metabolic profile

Have you never worked with me before? Are you interested in Astro-Metabolic Profiling? Then a first personal consultation is your place to start.


If have you already worked with me and received insight into your astro-metabolic individuality, you can request a follow-up consultation for some concrete, straight-to-the-point and personalized advice on a specific physical or psychological issue with health, fertility, food, body or sexuality.


If I feel I can help you, I will give you some light when it comes to:

  • what your issue is here to teach you both on a physical and on a soul level
  • what you can do in terms of food, lifestyle, mindset and/or behavior to improve your situation


In order to do so, I draw on my unique toolbox of skills in:

  • Understanding the symbolism and soul messages hidden in symptoms and life events
  • Understanding the needs and challenges of different metabolic types when it comes to food, lifestyle and mindset
  • How metabolism and symptoms connect to astrologic signs, the chakras and Chinese Medicine



I am currently experimenting with FREE energy flow. This means that I do not require you to pay me anything in exchange for my time or insight. On the other hand, I will only actually give my gifts to you, if I feel a true heart YES; if I would be willing to actually do it for free. So it is not a given that I will actually consent to provide you with my services :). The intention behind this experiment is that I no longer want to come from a place of “need” to make money (scarcity), I no longer want to “work” and I no longer want to have a “business”. Instead, I intend to practice being the LOVE that I know I am in my essence. And that implies giving my gifts freely, IF I actually have “fullness” to share, without expecting any direct energy exchange in return. That does not mean you cannot give back to me, if that is a desire you truly feel in your heart. But I no longer require it nor limit the exchange to a specific channel or form (money). I simply trust the Universal law of LOVE and energy flow that always keeps balance, and know that I am always sustained.

To apply for your session, please fill in the form below and I get back to you when I feel its right.