Forgotten Superfoods: Homemade Bone Broth

Even though there is no “one-size-fits-all”, and NO food is good for EVERYone, home-made, long & slow-cooked bone broth is one of THE forgotten superfoods. Contains gut-healing gelatin (if prepared from gelatin containing bones, like joints, knuckles, neck…). An intact gut lining is utmost important to prevent “leaky” gut and as such essential for a strong immune […]

Industrial organic vs. small-scale organic – and why we need to support the latter

You care about your health. You care about the animals. You care about the planet. This is why you buy organic food.  Great! Now here’s another component to care about: the small, local farmer. Why? Simplified, if you don’t support local farmers, you support industrialized, mass production. Even if you buy organic or veggie or local – and even […]

6 reasons why organic food is really better

Every now and then there is a new “study” coming out supposedly showing that organic produce is no better for us than conventional produce. I do not even look at those studies anymore. For me it is simple common sense that fresh, organic Real Food (as opposed to processed junk food in an organic packaging) the way I […]

Eating animal foods can be regenerative – Part 1: Nutrition

Introduction It seems that if you want to be a “good” and “enlightened” consumer these days, you have to go vegan. While I can understand the ethical, environmental and nutritional motivations fueling this movement, the whole notion that veganism is the most ethical, sustainable and healthiest way to eat is dangerously one-sided and misleading. Things […]

Eating Animal Foods can be regenerative – Part 2: Environmental Health, Fertility & Sustainability

This post is part 2 of a 3 part series. If you haven’t already done so, please read part 1 (nutritional point of view) first. Make sure to also read about the intentions I have with this series in the beginning of part 1. Part 2: Sustainability Point of View Besides health, sustainability is a big reason why […]

Eating Animal Foods can be regenerative – Part 3: Ethical considerations

This post is part 3 of a 3 part series. If you haven’t already done so, please read part 1 (nutritional point of view) and part 2 (sustainability point of view) first. Make sure to also read about the intentions I have with this series in the beginning of part 1. Ethical Point of View Apart from health and environmental reasons (that […]

We are not asking the right questions!

Are you vegetarian?Do you eat meat?Any special diet? Gluten-free, dairy-free…? These are the most frequent questions I get whenever I am invited to eat somewhere, especially when people know I am into nutrition. However, these are NOT the right questions to ask! Just because I eat meat does not mean that I eat ANY type […]