How to deal with triggers: avoidance or confrontation?

You probably have people or situations in your life that trigger uncomfortable feelings in you. Feelings such as not being good, strong, beautiful, valuable… enough, being “too much”, too intense, too needy, too complicated…, the fear of being abandoned, powerless… Feelings that reactivate one or several of the classical childhood wounds: the wound of abandonment, […]

Soulful Eating

Today let’s look at HOW to eat for optimal health and fertility. You probably heard the term “Mindful Eating” before. I have myself used it extensively. However, I much agree with Marc David, founder of the Institute of the Psychology of Eating, when he advocates using the term “soulful eating” instead of “mindful eating”: “Mindful […]

Feel it – Deal it – Heal it

The Fertile Path is paved with feelings. A hugely important skill to learn if you want to take that path is thus to feel your feelings. That sounds so obvious, yet most of us are highly effective at doing everything we can to AVOID feeling our feelings. We eat, we don’t eat, we obsess about […]

The Symbolism of Symptoms: How reading in your body informs you about the needs of your soul

Introduction Most of us have been conditioned to look at disease or ailments as a purely physical problem that is usually caused by some trigger outside of us (i.e. bacteria, viruses, genes, environment, age, accidents…) and that we need to eradicate as soon and as permanently as possible. Ideally, we would even prevent the disease […]

Women, it’s time to evolve beyond Feminism!

There was a time, not too long ago, in our developed world, when a woman wasn’t allowed to do many things that were normal for a man. She wasn’t allowed to study, to work (apart from in the house), to have an opinion, to vote, to run a marathon or to wear trousers for example. […]

Mental Health & Mind-Body Nutrition

Mental Health is directly influenced by physical health, and vice versa. Nutrient deficiencies, compromised gut health (leaky gut and/or imbalances in gut flora) and inflammation in the body all negatively impact metabolism and as such brain function. The gut-brain connection is a very hot topic in the functional medicine and holistic nutrition world. Here is a good […]

Pregnancy after miscarriage: How to deal with fear

When I found myself pregnant again after having suffered a miscarriage just a few months earlier, I was forced to face some very deep fears around loss and suffering. I still remember how in the midst of the 12 hours of contractions that proceeded the first miscarriage I asked my partner how we could ever […]