What I learned from my miscarriages – Part 2

In July 2017, the ground was pulled under my feet when my embryo(s) got flushed down the toilet at 9.5 weeks of my first pregnancy. Apart from the excruciating physical suffering, it was a tremendous emotional shock, since it came completely out of the blue for me (us). Not even once had I considered the […]

What I learned from my miscarriage – Part 1

Let’s get pregnancy loss out of the dark. It’s only when I experienced it myself, that I realized how common it is. What a weird world where we are supposed to hide the joy of our pregnancy for 3 months only to then hide the pain if we do indeed lose it. I say let’s […]

The two main reasons people stay up later than they know is good for them

A good night’s sleep CRUCIAL for balanced hormones and metabolism in general. It’s at night that we recover and rebuild. In fact, every organ has its “time” and from 11pm to 3am it’s gallbladder and liver time. This iswhy you would ideally be in bed at 10pm, so you give those organs the chance to […]

The “Everything in moderation” excuse

Are you using “everything in moderation” as an excuse to not stand up for yourself? I cannot tell you how often I hear from clients that they do not want to go to extremes with their diet and lifestyle. That their ultimate goal is “everything in moderation”. As someone who has been obsessed with food […]

Orthorexia – when eating healthy turns into sick

There is a dark side to all that talk about healthy food and lifestyle called orthorexia or the compulsory need to eat and live “healthy”. Anorexia and orthorexia are very similar in nature. While anorexic people are concerned with the QUANTITY of food, orthorexic people are concerned with the QUALITY of food.  As a society, we strive for […]

No guarantees

I cannot guarantee you anything, because there are no guarantees This week I got reminded in a quite painful way that there are no guarantees in life and that it is not me who is “in control” of things. Sometimes we feel like we only need to “figure it all out”, create a “masterplan” to […]

Let’s focus on health rather than body weight

We are a society obsessed with body weight.  So many of my clients constantly worry about the fact that they are not losing weight quickly enough or are afraid that they might gain weight by following my advice (especially if I suggest they include more healthy fat in their diet). Even if their major concern is not […]

Just pretend…

I made an interesting observation. Oftentimes clients feel resistance to changing certain dietary or lifestyle habits – for example to stop drinking alcohol or to go to bed earlier – as a means of preparing for pregnancy and optimizing fertility, while they would have no problem at all to drop those same habits if they […]