Addiction to Suffering

In order to be able to stop trashing your body without it feeling like a deprivation, it is a pre-requisite to drop your addiction to suffering. Oh yes, so many of us are ADDICTED to suffering, to being sick and tired in one way or the other, to feeling unloved and unworthy, or at least to […]

The masks you did not even know you were wearing

Per definition, the unconscious is not conscious to us. Something that is not conscious is something that is not visible. It is our shadow and can only be revealed to us through the mirror of other people or circumstances. It’s usually what triggers us in others, but does not seem to resonate with us at […]

You cannot save someone who needs to drown – but you can save yourself from going down with them

There is a tendency I have observed in myself, in people I love, in clients and in the world in general, and that is the tendency of the Feminine trying to drag the Masculine out of its toxic state of unconsciousness into the light. I am not necessarily talking about women trying to drag men […]

Love, Freedom & Trust

Just like love is only love if it is unconditional, trust is only trust if it is unconditional. It cannot be tied to a specific outcome, or else it is not trust. I cannot say to the Universe: “If you truly love me, I trust you will make me a millionaire, make this or that […]

Who is your support team?

Making a change in your diet or lifestyle is a personal decision, but it definitely gets easier if you feel supported by your surroundings, especially by the people close to you. On the other hand, being surrounded by people who constantly put obstacles in your way might make it very hard or even impossible for you to reach […]