FEEL your constitution

I’ll start telling you a story: I am born on the 20th of January and for about 20 years I thought I was a Capricorn. And this identification fit me well. I was (and still am) disciplined, organized, practical, perseverant and somewhat stubborn and rigid.


And then, one day I entered my birth data in an online tool, including my birth time, and guess what? At the time of my birth, in the evening of the 20th of January 1982, the sun had already moved into Aquarius. So suddenly I was no longer a Capricorn, I was a zero degree Aquarius! Suddenly I was “allowed” to be carefree, creative, visionary, revolutionary and a bit crazy… and so I started to discover and own these sides in me, that of course had always been there, but that I could not see, because I did not identify with them.


And that is the danger in getting “identified” with any archetype, element or energy. We no longer see and feel ourselves the way we truly are. We become conditioned by an idea of ourselves. And that idea might be based on ERRONEOUS assumptions and interpretations.


How people identify with their astrology


Especially when it comes to astrology, I see it happen all the time. People IDENTIFY with their sun sign. “I AM a Libra”, they might say. “I am Air.”  The ones that have a little bit more knowledge might also include their ascendant and moon sign. “I am all Water”, they might say. “I have my sun in Cancer, and my ascendant and moon in Scorpio.” However, when I look at them, what I most see is their Fire, which they deny they have. When I then look at their birth chart, I might indeed see that their Pluto (owner of their ascendant) is in a Fire sign or house, or that they have Mars in the first house or any other constellation that gives a lot of weight to the Fire energy in them. Not to forget that Scorpio is a quite “fiery” water sign.


My point is, that we can get so identified and conditioned by something EXTERNAL, that we are no longer in touch with who and what we truly are. Because in truth, we ARE none of the zodiac signs or elements. Our SUN might have encountered itself in a certain sign the moment we were born, shaping the way that our soul is going to express itself in this life, however that does not mean that this is who we ARE in our essence. We also should not forget that ALL energies live in us to some extent, and that we are in constant evolution and change. So even though we all have our very own base energetic constitution, with some energies being more dominant than others, this energetic blueprint is constantly affected by functional factors, such as the climate, our age, our food and lifestyle choices, and of course also astrological transits.


The importance of FEELING yourself and seeing yourself with fresh eyes


So the most important skill is to learn to FEEL yourself and to get an idea of how the different elements and archetypes FEEL and express in your body and mind, so that you can identify your CURRENT picture and take decisions within this context. Most of us have a mixed constitution and might have completely different needs in summer or winter for example. For me personally, in summer my Fire (from Leo ascendant and Sagittarius moon) really comes through, making me crave cooling foods and drinks and rejecting meat, broth, an excess of salty food and warm soup. As soon as the temperature drops, however, all I want is my broth, my pumpkin soup and my roast chicken, and the cold milk and raw lettuce I loved in summer do not tempt me at all.


Do not misunderstand me, external guidance can be extremely useful and insightful, especially if it comes from someone not identified themselves with any particular role or concept that might distort their perception of you. I myself offer that kind of guidance through my Astro-Metabolic-Profiles. In it, I include so many different perspectives, combining objective means of assessment with more subjective ones, making sure it all matches up, that it is more likely to be accurate. However, even the most objective and accurate external view can never capture ALL the complexity that is YOU. Ultimately, only the one living inside of your body, YOU, knows what it is like to be YOU. External views can help, because it can be hard to see our own shadows, but they can and should never be placed above your own perception.




This is where this course, FEEL YOUR CONSTITUTION, comes in.


Rather than telling you what your constitution is, thus conditioning you what to actually perceive in your body (like myself, when I found out I was an Aquarius and suddenly perceived all its traits in me), FEEL YOUR CONSTITUTION moves from the inside out. It wants you to drop ALL mental idea of who you are and instead connect to the different elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Air) and later to the different archetypes (the zodiac signs and their ruling planets) by FEELING into them, feeling their qualities and how they express in (your) body and psyche. What does that element / archetype feel like? What are its qualities? How would it think? What does it need and desire? What is its posture? How does it walk? How does it move? What foods correlate with it? Can you feel it in YOU? Where in the body can you feel it? Does it come natural to you or is it hard to connect and to embody it? How present is that energy in you?


From there, you can slowly construct the image of your constitution in that moment of your Life, based solely on what you FEEL alive inside of you, without EVER having to have someone look at your chart.


Combination with Astro-Metabolic Profiling


Of course, it can be super interesting to then actually get your Astro-Metabolic Profile, to see what correlates between your feeling experience and your chart, and where there are discrepancies and why (for example, some parts of ourselves might be so suppressed that it is hard for us to gain access to them, but you might also find that your birth time is not correct and your chart erroneous as a result). If you have already taken your Astro-Metabolic Profile before, no problem either. You simply “forget” about it for the duration of the classes and then check in with it afterwards. Like that, you connect body and mind, embodied experience and rational analysis. This is why I actually recommend you combine this course with your Astro-Metabolic Profile, and even give you a promotion on the combination.


Structure of the course


This is a 16 week course, starting 3rd of September and finishing 17th of December. Every week on Tuesday we meet for 1.5 hours, from 19-20:30 Madrid time, and first focus on the 4 elements and then continue with the 12 archetypes, as represented by the planets and their corresponding zodiac signs.


We start with the elements, so that you get an embodied experience of them before connecting to the archetypes. This is important, because the classical allocation of the planets and the zodiac signs to the elements might not always be 100% accurate. Truly tuning into Earth and Air, you might find that Virgo, for example, is a quite “Airy” type of Earth, that feels completely different from Taurus Earth and has completely different needs. This allows you to even drop your ideas and concepts regarding the astrological signs and to see and feel them with fresh eyes, making connections you were not able to do before when your mind was more conditioned.


Every week we focus on a different element/archetype.


We start by brainstorming about it, because it is quite hard to see and feel anything if you do not actually know it exists. You need to get an understanding which qualities are associated with an element or archetype (in all its vast possibility, from light to dark expressions), so that when you perceive a sensation you can actually allocate it accordingly. (In a way, we are conditioning ourselves, but we are doing it for the sake of finding that energy in us. Once we have found it and fully felt it, it is integrated and we can simply recognize it whenever it shows up.)


We then embody all those different qualities, really feeling them in our bodies, taking their shape and posture, breathing with them, consciously observing our sensations in the body. We might consciously bring in affirmations to magnify that energy. We then allow that energy to move us, observing our sensations, emotions and thoughts. We play with it and allow ourselves to fully embody it. We observe how easy it is for us to connect with that energy and how present it is likely to be in our constitution.


We then share our experiences and complete the profile of that energy. From there, we come up with a list of foods that correspond energetically to that element or archetype. If we felt that energy strongly in us, these would be foods to reduce, whereas if we felt that energy weakly in us, these would be foods to eat more of. The same can be done for specific movements or breathing techniques.



The investment for the 16 x 1.5 hours course is 400 Euro.

Combined offer with Astro-Metabolic Profiling

If you decide to book your Astro-Metabolic Profile together with it (even though I recommend you wait to receive it for after having completed the course), you receive a 50% discount on its price: 150 Euro instead of 300 Euro. So the total in that case would be 550 Euro.

If in the past you already received a Metabolic Profile of any kind from me, you even receive a FREE update together with your course booking.