The “Everything in moderation” excuse

Are you using “everything in moderation” as an excuse to not stand up for yourself? I cannot tell you how often I hear from clients that they do not want to go to extremes with their diet and lifestyle. That their ultimate goal is “everything in moderation”. As someone who has been obsessed with food […]

Real Food on a Budget

While (at first sight) healthy food is often more expensive, it is not true that eating healthy is only affordable for high-income households. In fact, if we’d incorporate all the costs (and inconveniences) of developing and treating degenerative diseases caused by the long-term consumption of contaminated and/or processed food (including the “organic junk”), we would […]

Orthorexia – when eating healthy turns into sick

There is a dark side to all that talk about healthy food and lifestyle called orthorexia or the compulsory need to eat and live “healthy”. Anorexia and orthorexia are very similar in nature. While anorexic people are concerned with the QUANTITY of food, orthorexic people are concerned with the QUALITY of food.  As a society, we strive for […]

No guarantees

I cannot guarantee you anything, because there are no guarantees This week I got reminded in a quite painful way that there are no guarantees in life and that it is not me who is “in control” of things. Sometimes we feel like we only need to “figure it all out”, create a “masterplan” to […]

Let’s focus on health rather than body weight

We are a society obsessed with body weight.  So many of my clients constantly worry about the fact that they are not losing weight quickly enough or are afraid that they might gain weight by following my advice (especially if I suggest they include more healthy fat in their diet). Even if their major concern is not […]

Just pretend…

I made an interesting observation. Oftentimes clients feel resistance to changing certain dietary or lifestyle habits – for example to stop drinking alcohol or to go to bed earlier – as a means of preparing for pregnancy and optimizing fertility, while they would have no problem at all to drop those same habits if they […]

I was wrong about weight loss

At least partially. If you’ve followed me long enough, you have seen me claim that everybody can be healthy, fit and lean if only they eat according to their Metabolic Type and get rid of individual food sensitivities. When I say “eating according to their Metabolic Type”, I basically mean adjusting one’s macronutrient balance (the proportions of carbs, fat and […]

How unbiased are your experts really – a pledge for common sense

About industry influence on experts and opinion leaders and the importance to use your common sense. Rather than only relying on “scientifically proven” concepts, I appeal a lot to a concept often underused these days: Common sense and intuitive knowing. In my opinion, people often trust credentials blindly, even if what those “experts” say goes […]