The “Everything in moderation” excuse

Are you using “everything in moderation” as an excuse to not stand up for yourself? I cannot tell you how often I hear from clients that they do not want to go to extremes with their diet and lifestyle. That their ultimate goal is “everything in moderation”. As someone who has been obsessed with food […]

The art of staying hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for EVERYbody. What we need water for Transportation of oxygen and all the necessary nutrients, enzymes and immune factors via the bloodstream to your organs and cells. You might be eating the right stuff, but without water, it cannot arrive at your cells.Elimination of toxins and metabolic waste. Ever tried cleaning […]

Saturated Fat and Cholesterol are good for you

The biggest myth surviving in the world of nutrition is probably that foods rich in saturated fat and/or cholesterol are bad for you. This myth stems from the 1950’s, when Ancel Keys published a study linking saturated fats to high cholesterol and heart disease. Although the study turned out to be severely flawed afterwards, it has ever since […]

Real Food on a Budget

While (at first sight) healthy food is often more expensive, it is not true that eating healthy is only affordable for high-income households. In fact, if we’d incorporate all the costs (and inconveniences) of developing and treating degenerative diseases caused by the long-term consumption of contaminated and/or processed food (including the “organic junk”), we would […]

Plant proteins and potential health problems

With all those scandals about factory-farmed meat and all this talk about how unsustainable and unhealthy it is to eat (too much) meat, many people are reducing the amount of animal foods they consume and are looking for plant-based alternatives to cover their bodies’ need for proteins. In this article I don’t want to discuss […]

Orthorexia – when eating healthy turns into sick

There is a dark side to all that talk about healthy food and lifestyle called orthorexia or the compulsory need to eat and live “healthy”. Anorexia and orthorexia are very similar in nature. While anorexic people are concerned with the QUANTITY of food, orthorexic people are concerned with the QUALITY of food.  As a society, we strive for […]

No guarantees

I cannot guarantee you anything, because there are no guarantees This week I got reminded in a quite painful way that there are no guarantees in life and that it is not me who is “in control” of things. Sometimes we feel like we only need to “figure it all out”, create a “masterplan” to […]